Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I tried to identify with the "be still" feeling that I had. I could remember the rush of depressing emotions when I was writing that. Imagining how difficult it was for me to write while battling over a tear about to fall. I remember how I wanted to keep it to myself to save my hubby from hearing the pain. I was in total shock, but see how good the Lord is, in the middle of hurt, He was there, whispering... telling me to scribble the still.

Now that the storm is over and the Lord has kept me strong, I am like a new witness to his faithfulness. Shame on me, as if I have never seen how he moved miraculously in my life. I wanted to justify that I am a human, but this is not the line that GOd wants us to always utter, because he knows that through Christ Jesus, we could overcome and become saints, that we can always depend on him and we must always live by faith.

Few more days and I will join my husband, I will see his face again, brimming and shining like it was our first date together. Sometimes, in the course of our almotst 8 years of relationship, i would miss the time when he would miss me and and see the excitement in his face after a long absence.

I would say that it is one of the spices of our relationship. Imagine being away in a closely-knit relationship, The uncertainty of things to come and the agony of waiting. All these, if not for God, I wouldnt know how to bear.

God is alive and he is true to his promise. And HE who made the promise is FAITHFUL!Thus whatever prayers and desires we would present to Him, it will always be YES in Jesus according to what he promised in the Bible.

THank you Lord and glory for you alone!


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